iPhone No Sound On Calls: How To Fix

If you’re a long-time user of iPhones or Apple products in general, you have surely encountered, or are currently encountering, the pain of the receiver’s audio not working on calls.

At this point, it sounds like a universal issue since almost all brand owners have complained to Apple at least once. Apple even has its own tutorial on its page due to the volume of complaints.

For those that are currently having problems with their iPhone speaker not working during calls, then this article will surely help you. In the following sections, we’ll walk you through the common reasons behind the dilemma, how to fix them, as well as some tips on how you can avoid them in the long run.

Why iPhone Sound Isn’t Working During Calls?

There are quite a number of reasons that be behind the faulty audio call of your iPhone. Before you proceed to check out the possible fixes that you can do, you should consider figuring out the source of what you’re dealing with.

For a guide, here is a list of some of the most common possible reasons why your iPhone’s sound isn’t working during calls:

Mismatched Settings

This may seem like a funny thing, but more often than not, the issue on your iPhone’s sound during calls is simply a product of mismatched settings. Your volume levels may not be on a hearable level, or you may not have adjusted it properly beforehand. You should also check if you accidentally put your volume on mute by default.

Dirty Receiver

Your receiver, although it isn’t obvious, can also get dirty over time. Dust and other dirt can form, which will eventually block the speaker and microphone on your end. As you may expect, this will lead to a soundless iPhone during calls.

Random Phone Bug

Both the old and new models of the iPhone are found to have issues with receiver audio once in a while. Users believe it’s a bug or system error that only affects the said issue.

Other audio-related tasks may also perform poorly. The good thing about this is this isn’t as worrisome as other phone-related bugs since they can be solved through quick-fix schemes.

Outdated iOS

If not a bug, then you should check your iPhone to see if it’s in the latest iOS version possible. Being stuck in old iOS versions may be the reason why you’re facing issues with your receiver audio, on top of others.

Faulty Network Connections

The last usual reason points to faulty network connections. This is where issues like weak to no signal, improper Bluetooth or Wi-fi connections, and likes fall under.

There are some other reasons that may cause issues with your phone’s receiver, but the ones above are the most reported as per Apple Support.

If you don’t think your situation doesn’t fit in any occurrence in the list, then you can feel free to contact a professional or Apple itself. Not doing so can make it harder for you to solve the issue, more so a quick fix.

How To Fix iPhone Sound For Calls – 5 Helpful Methods

iPhone No Sound On Calls

Once you’ve figured out the reason why your iPhone doesn’t seem to have receiver audio, you can now try out the right solution to fix it.

We’ve compiled some of the most effective below:

Clean your speakers

If you think the issues lie in your speakers, then the answer will be as simple as cleaning them. This applies to both your receivers and speakers if your model has multiple. You can do this by wiping the said parts with a soft, damp cloth.

Alternatively, you can ask a professional if the issue isn’t fixed with a cloth. If you’re not an expert, keep in mind that you should poke the speakers with anything since it can result in bigger issues.

Turn off Bluetooth

Bluetooth can sometimes hinder the receiver audio during calls. This is most especially if your phone auto pairs with Bluetooth speakers and earphones even without confirmation. Try turning it off and receiving a call to see if the issue will be fixed.

Adjust volume levels

It will greatly help if you check and adjust your volume levels even if you’re not going to take a call. This will help avoid unforeseen incidents in phone audios.

Restart your iPhone

One of the easiest yet most efficient solutions in this list involves simply restarting your phone. If you’re dealing with a bug or a non-disappearing network error, then you should try this quick fix.

Apple also recommends this before contacting Apple Support.

Conduct a factory reset

If everything else fails and the recommendations of Apple’s support team still don’t help, then you may have to conduct a factory reset on your phone. Just make sure to have a backup of all your important files so you won’t have to worry about losing important ones during the reset.

Other easy solutions that you can do include:

  • Turn off Do Not Disturb.
  • Update iOS version.
  • Turn off Headphone Mode.

If these still don’t work, you should head on and contact Apple Support. Their team may be able to help you with more complex problems.

Tips To Avoid Having Issues With iPhone Sound

It will be a big relief once you find yourself being heard again during calls. Surely, you won’t want to go through the tedious fixing tasks.

To avoid this, here are some simple tips that you can do:

  • Keep your iOS version up to date.
  • Check your audio levels every so often.
  • Store your phone in a clean place.
  • Monitor your receivers and speakers regularly.
  • Avoid downloading files from unauthorized sites. This may cause malware, and thus, the issue.

Although these don’t 100% guarantee that your iPhone won’t lose its sound during calls again, it won’t hurt to do these care tips.


The dilemma with iPhone no sound on calls is a hassle, but it isn’t something that a few tweaks can fix. The key to easily solving this is to determine the main reason.

Figuring this out at the very beginning of the process will save you a lot of time later on. Note that the kind of method will also depend on your observation here.

To wrap it up, the methods can be as easy as simply restarting your phone to as complicated as going through your phone’s settings. If you want to be sure, then consider going through several trials and errors. Just make sure to check your audio in between so you can keep track of the right solution for next time.